Getting fit while being at home — A 30-day journey

 Spending hours upon hours at my work desk has always proved to be productive in one way or the other. If anything, it always assured the monthly stream of paycheques.

Consequently, rewarding oneself with hours of playing console games or binging on the "next big show" like Squid Game on one's couch with greasy fries, pizzas and more fries becomes a monthly ritual.

It's all fine and dandy until you start to develop a thing between your upper and lower body. It has many names; some call it a beer belly, family pack, buffet slayer, butter bed and my personal favourite, lord of the onion rings. I grew attached to mine until it came between me and tying my shoes. That's when I knew it had to go!

Without further ado, I quickly went back to my desk (the irony! I know!) and did thorough research on how to get back in shape most safely and efficiently while being at home. Turns out, you do not need weights, treadmills or any fancy pieces of equipment to get in shape unless you are aiming for two per cent body fat and a six-pack.

 Here are the exercises and routines I ollowed for 30 days to gain back my agility and lose my jelly belly.

On the first week of my journey, I realised how important warm-ups and stretches are before a workout. Not only does it warm up your body and muscles, but it also reduces the chances of getting cramps or any pointless injuries.

Just five minutes of jumping ropes, running in place, air punches like Rocky Balboa, kicks, or some jumping jacks is enough to get your muscles active and your heart rate up. The goal is to get your engine running and not exhausted, that part comes very soon!

Once you are all warmed up, 3 sets of bodyweight squats (20 squats each rep) do a good job of getting your head in the game. Distributing your weight properly by positioning your feet somewhere between hip- and shoulder-width apart. Keep your chest square and tall. Look ahead and let your knees do the work. Use your flexibility and squat as deep as you can. Make sure your heels are grounded at all times and your weight is not shifted towards your toes.

Next comes push-ups! Contrary to conventional belief, you don't need to shift your entire weight just on your hands and feet. There is no shame in starting small. One of the best ways to climb this mountain is knee push-ups. It strains your body way less and makes it adapt to a higher difficulty. 15 knee push-ups in sets of 3 are enough to build the initial strength.

If you ever thought that time manipulation is not possible in any way, then it means that you have never performed a plank before. If you do it right the time-space continuum itself will slow down much to your dismay.

Plant your hands under your shoulders. Clench your glutes. (That would be your butt.) Form a straight line with your body from the top of your head through your feet. Tighten your core. And finally, gaze on the floor while the time around you slows down. Doing it for 15-30 seconds straight for 3 sets will yield results sooner than you think. To avoid injury, do not lift your head while performing the plank.

Believe it or not, the best and fastest way to get nimble is to run. It can do wonders if done frequently and right. It is not advised to run on a full stomach unless you want your favourite meal on the street or your treadmill. Light dry food like cashew nuts, almonds or dates are perfect to provide you with enough energy to run a circuit of 2-3 kilometres. Start with a light stretch and jogging and continue to run at a moderate pace. Once your body adapted to the workout and the speed, don't be shy to sprint for 5-10 seconds. Repeating it every 3 minutes of jogging will show the best results. At the end of your run, instead of gulping water try taking smaller sips to avert any unwanted cramps.

And lastly, the most important part would be portion control of your food intake. No, I'm not saying starving yourself is the answer. Eat what your body needs not what your craving desires. You can maintain your diet while having fast food. Instead of having it thrice a week, try once a week. The same goes for the daily intake of your regular meals. Try two servings of your favourite red meat instead of three. Start small and stay logical. Before you know it you will see and feel the results in 30 days!


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